Saturday, February 14, 2009

Long weekend loveliness

Loving this long weekend thing. Finally read Gossip Girl, not saying I'm proud of it, but at least I know what's going on, now. Young people with too much money in NYC. Interesting writing style, though, I can say that much for it. Hope everyone's taking advantage of the snow and reading a bunch. See you Tuesday!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thanks for Hanging in There!

Thanks for coming back to the library's blog! We are looking forward to posting a lot more regularly, so thanks for hanging in there with us!

The library here at NU is so beautiful, especially on a day like today with snow everywhere you look. But its living its best life when it's full of activity. I can hear Mrs. Hestbeck in the background, giving information about some kind of sports practice. We have kids working on powerpoint presentations with Mr. Ramirez. There are several other drop-ins working on one thing or another. But here comes lunch and that's our favorite time of day, when we spin a little music and checking out books is the order of the day.

We're to the point where we seldom have an empty time slot and we like it like that. We have about 100 visitors before school, during each lunch, and again after school. We are constantly busy and feel useful and a great sense of purpose.

So far this year we have checked out over 12,000 books and this feels like our largest accomplishment by far. We scoff at those that say that young people don't read. We believe strongly that if they're given relevant reading material that is of actual interest to them, young adults are glad to read like crazy. Like sometimes a book a day.

We love all of our students, readers or otherwise. Welcome to the NU library!